I'm delighted that you've found your way here.

Let's learn something.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Greetings, and welcome!

Please let me tell you what this space is all about, and of my intentions going forward with this project:

Though I had been working in the computer field for many years, I successfully resisted most forms of 'social networking' and electronic interaction, save for email. It's not that I'm anti-social -- quite to the contrary -- but I've always sensed a distance, or disconnect, with most electronic communication.  I'd far rather have a personal, face-to-face conversation, or at the very least, a one-on-one email exchange with someone.  But, there just aren't enough hours in the day anymore, so I hope this will be a place where I can share a few things that I find interesting or useful.

My presence on the web these days tends to be in the field of photography.  I have a bit of a presence on Flickr and recently created a photography web site, my first site ever, at RobHansonPhoto.com.  Now, this. 

While I produce many images that are single-exposure frames, I have a great interest in High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, as a quick look at my website will show. HDR imaging allows us to see the world via a camera, capturing an image as we always have, but does so in a way that is closer to how our eyes actually see a scene. More on that later, to be sure.

A number of people have asked me to share some of the things I've discovered along the way, and I do so quite willingly.  If it weren't for other photographers sharing what they know, I wouldn't be able to accomplish half of what I do.  I owe these generous people a debt of gratitude.

I'm not at all worried about sharing "secrets."  The beauty of the endeavor is this:  Two of us can use the same camera, at the same event, standing side-by-side, shooting the same scene. I guarantee that the result will be two completely different final images, and if they are somehow the same, it'll be a fluke.  Once the scene has hit the camera's sensor all bets are off, because post-processing can take the image in a thousand different directions.

I rue the day that cameras shoot HDR directly, and that day is coming soon.  I think that'll take a lot of the creative process away, and yet I have hope that we'll still be able to innovate, adapt, and find new ways of expressing our creative potential.

My intentions are:
    - To share what I have learned. 

    - To share my photographic vision. 

    - To connect with others. 

    - To have a creative writing venue. If a picture is worth a thousand words, why not combine the two?

    My best wishes to you, and happy shooting!



    1. Hey there Rob, looks good. I look forward to checking in and seeing whats new, have fun with it!

      I will be checking back in

    2. Superb blog very well written
      and very Imformative
      kind regards my friend.
